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Presidential Candidates Talk Sportsmen's Issues with USSA

USSA Staff Discussed Key Issues with Candidates

Presidential Candidates Talk Sportsmen's Issues with USSA
Presidential Candidates Talk Sportsmen's Issues with USSA

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Like so many other states during the last 90 days, Ohio has taken its turn as the center of the political storm. The Republican candidates for the White House were crisscrossing the Buckeye state to make their case to voters for the “Super Tuesday” primary.

This full court press, in the backyard of the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance’s national headquarters, provided staff leadership a chance to visit and have dialogue with the campaigns and candidates.

On Monday, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum agreed to sit down to talk about the most important issues facing sportsmen with USSA staff. Bud Pidgeon, USSA president and CEO;...

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